Ode to Prairie Spirit
The metal sculpture, “Ode to Prairie Spirit” is a representational piece that, like many things, evolved from conception to completion.
I originally conceived of it as simply a symbol of the prairie grasses with a few seeds, but as I worked and decided how to construct the piece, I realized that my method was a metaphor of the ethic of the original settlers on the prairies. Not only was I “making do” with what I had, pieces of scrap metal, but I was striving to build something that was more than the sum of its parts.
As my grasses began to grow, I realized that the first farmers, did the same thing. They often had to make do with materials they had on hand as they struggled to scratch out an existence on the land, all the while trying to create something bigger than themselves in the form of family and community. As their crops grew toward the sky, they also emulated this, reaching for something higher than themselves, reaching towards their faith and God.
And so, the piece became a poem to honour those that came before us.
Mild Steel
7 x 4 x 3 feet, approximately
$ 3000.00
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Ode to Prairie Spirit

Top detail of Ode to Prairie Spirit

Bottom detail of Ode to Prairie Spirit