Irises from my garden. They are not this far advanced yet this year, but it is what I am looking forward to!
March 2023
It is so good to start seeing all the different flowers poking their heads up. The tulips and irises. The hyacinths, poppies, peonies, lavender, lupins and more. All are showing signs of life.
And we all know what that means…it is time to get out to the shed to start welding again. Yay!
This month, when it has been warm enough, I have been picking away at a new commission, and when I am not doing that, I have been in the process of re-evaluating my business strategies.
I am trying really hard to take some time to make a change and that means that I need to stop doing somethings that I have always done so that I have the time to do the others. It is really hard to stop working in the way that I always have, but I really want something to change so I have to change too.
To that end, I may not appear in every art show that I did last year. I am also going to change the format of the vlog. While I enjoy the process of editing my videos, it takes a lot of time. I think going forward, they will start to feel more like a cross between a podcast and a blog where I will still post a YouTube video, but it will have only one or two images and the meat of if will be me speaking. Of course, I still want to do some more interviews with other artists…so that will be a bit different.
In any case, I have a short vlog this month. It is a peak into my process of putting together a new piece of equipment for my welding.
I hope you are all enjoying the longer days and that your Easter is warm.
Bright blessings…Talk soon!
If you have any questions for me, or topics that you would like to see covered on my vlog, I would love to hear from you. Please email me at
A view from the Shawnigan Lake Community Centre where I attend a Makers' Circle
Find me here:
Currently, I am showing at the Rainforest Arts Gallery in Chemainus (9781 Willow Street, Chemainus, BC.)
San Pareil Studio Tour again this year. Yay! July 15 and 16th. Address to come...
CVAC Outdoor Art Market, July 29th. Downtown Duncan.
I am still deciding on a few shows coming up...
Find me teaching!
I will be a part of the next CVAC Art Dabble Series running later in April to May. This time, I will be teaching a mixed media collage class to anyone joining. My class is the last in the series on May 2nd. The series is $125 for members, $140 for non members. It will be in the CVAC Studio (2687 James Street Duncan, British Columbia).
I will be teaching felting on April 15th at the Shawnigan Community Centre, for the Cowichan South Arts Guild. Participants will learn how to paint with wool in this class. More details nearer the date.
Your support is so appreciated! If you would like to have another way to show me the love, you might want to buy me a coffee here: Thanks so much in advance!
Oh! and lastly, if you think your friends would enjoy this newsletter or the vlog, please forward it on to them. I am attempting to grow my audience and business, and sharing my content with others really helps me out. Thank you!!