October 2022
I have so much to be thankful for this year. Good health, some success and new connections with good people. A new stove and new to us fridge...yay! Plus the weather has been cooperating with me trying to get art made outside. There is much more, and I hope you are all having similar reasons to be thankful, as well.
The beginning of a crotched basket on a table outside Whistler Starbucks.
We had a great getaway in September to Whistler, where we mostly just bummed around Whistler Village and drank coffee. One thing, though, I got started on a new craft kick while we were there, too (see the picture above for the beginnings). Thanks to Marilyn C. who got me started, I have now crocheted 2 and 1/2 baskets. I can't believe how much I am enjoying this. I have not crotched for at least 15 years. Lol.
Your Invite!
My second last show of the year, Beyond the Path, opens next week, and you are all invited to the Opening on Wednesday, Oct 12th at 2:30 pm. Come by the Cowichan Valley Arts Council’s Annex Gallery (2687 James St, Duncan, BC) to enjoy some great art and have a few appies on us.
In the meantime, I will be creating more wall-hung pieces (see below) for the Just Jakes show, and once the one below is finished, I have some crazy fun ideas for felted pieces in frames. I can't wait to show you those.
And the Vlog! Can't forget the vlog. This month I have had some fun giving our dog, Boo a voice to share some of the changes she has experienced since she has come to be a part of our family. As always, the link is below.
And finally, Congratulations to Linda S. on winning the copper mobile as a new subscriber! I have sent you an email, and I hope we can connect soon.
How can I be of assistance to you?
You, of course, know that I am a certified life coach, and I currently have space for a few new clients. If you are looking to level up your life, relationships, or build self-confidence and compassion, I am here for you. Please take look at my coaching page on my website BlueSeedStudio.com, and contact me if you are interested. Will you also please consider referring your friends and family to me if they are looking for a coach?
I invite you to live in the state of peace and wellness that we all search for.Many thanks in advance!
If you have any questions for me, or topics that you would like to see covered on my vlog, I would love to hear from you. Please email me at brenda@blueseedstudio.com.
Find me here:
Currently, I am showing at the Rainforest Arts Gallery in Chemainus (9781 Willow Street, Chemainus, BC.)
Starting next week! October 11th to 25th, I will be sharing the Cowichan Valley Arts Council’s Annex Gallery (2687 James St, Duncan, BC) with 4 other artists for a couple of weeks. We have named our show Beyond the Path as we all seem to have stepped off the path with our art.
November 27th to December 18th has me showing at one of our favourite local eateries, Just Jakes, at 45 Craig St, Duncan BC.
Oh! and lastly, if you think your friends would enjoy this newsletter or the vlog, please forward it on to them. I am attempting to grow my audience and business, and sharing my content with others really helps me out. Thank you!!