Work in Progress. One of the new pods I am working on.
One of the felted vessels I have decided to scrap from my pods. It might still be useful in another sculpture… :)
March 2022
Greetings from the left coast (as they say). :D.
In the last week, I have decided to take a few new directions. I was working on two sculptures that I had planned to involve my felted vessels, that you may have seen on social media, but I was looking at them and they were just not right. So I have eliminated the vessel parts in favour of simply felting the bases.
I have also been working on a vlog for a bit over 2 weeks now, and today, I just took a hard left to put out something that is so much simpler and closer to my heart. This video continues the "coaching" theme of the last two vlogs, and I apologize if you are wanting more of my art. I am endeavouring to do a voice over of me making art next time so that you will get a bit of both. I will also warn you that this video is more spiritual in theme. If that is not something that floats your boat...well, I am sorry, but... following my heart over here.
The vlog (video log) is now live on Youtube. The link is to the left. It is a tad bit more serious than the last, and I invite you all into a meditation for peace.
I am looking for feedback and comments on this vlog, also. If you have an idea, question, or something that you would like me to cover, please let me know. I want the vlog to have value to my viewers, and the best way I can do that is if you let me know! Thanks in advance. Video link to the left!
Find me here:
This year is really getting full!
Currently, I am showing at the Rainforest Arts Gallery in Chemainus (9781 Willow Street, Chemainus, BC.)
This month and next the group of people that I paint with, the Cherry Point Artists have a little show up in the Cowichan Valley - Vancouver Island Regional Library (2687 James St, Duncan, BC).
April 22nd and 23rd, that same group will be putting on our annual art show and sale at St Peter's Church (5800 Church Rd, Duncan, BC.
May 5th - 29th is the Cowichan Valley Arts Council's Annual Fine Art show.
July 9th and 10th - I have been invited to participate in the annual Art on the Acerage Show put on by a group of hugely talented local artists. Will send the address closer to that time.
July 16th and 17th - I am going to Parksville for the Studio Tour San Pareil 2022. Will send the address closer to that time.
Still working on...The gallery on the mainland has been postponed until fall as things seem to be heating up here!!
Oh! and lastly, if you think your friends would enjoy this newsletter, please forward it on to them. Thank you!!
July 9th and 10th - I have been invited to participate in the annual Art on the Acerage Show put on by a group of hugely talented local artists.Will send the address closer to that time.
July 16th and 17th - I am going to Parksville for the Studio Tour San Pareil 2022. Will send the address closer to that time.
Still working on...The gallery on the mainland has been postponed until fall as things seem to be heating up here!!
Oh! and lastly, if you think your friends would enjoy this blog, please share it with them. Thank you!!